Friday, March 20, 2009


The performance rights organisation in Sweden is some of the worst organisations or companies I've ever been forced to deal with. Yesterday I talked to several of their people about writing music for royalty free music libraries. Some of them hardly new there even was a such concept. I tried to remind them of the reality of todays musicians but they seemed less interested in learning about it. Eventually, I got to talk to someone who said she might be able in helping me. So, now I'm hoping I can either cancel my contract with them or that they will come up with a working solution.

I thought they were supposed to help people like me (musicians)... but, no do.


  1. Good morning to my new follower! There are too many people in the business that still think it is 1950...especially here in Nashville. They better get on board or they will be left behind.

    Keep the faith,


  2. Hi Phil,

    Thank you for understanding :)

    - Giannis
